Friday, February 28, 2014

2 weeks old!

Our sweet little lady turned 2 weeks old on Wednesday!


* She's outgrown some of her newborn clothes because of her long arms and legs.
* Her umbilical cord fell off a few days ago
* Monday she weighed 8lbs 7oz at the doctors
* We had our first real bath on Wednesday!

So much growing already in 2 weeks!

Just a few of my favs so far! There are too many cute pictures to choose from!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

38 & 39 Weeks

One week to go!!!!

I saw the doctor on Friday and I was 1 and 1/2 cm dilated. We scheduled my induction date for 2/12 if she doesn't come before then....we shall see!

We feel pretty much ready in the sense that the house, etc. is prepared. I'm not so sure we are "ready" in our minds for what is to come!

I've picked up a nice cold this weekend and hope to shake it before I go into labor. Prayers please! I don't think I would be a happy camper with a stuffed up head and being in labor.

It'll be any day now!

I was trying to push her didn't work...

Hopefully my next post will be about holding our precious girl :)