Friday, September 12, 2014

7 months!

Time really is flying now that I'm back at work.

Being a working mom really is the hardest thing in the world! All day I just long to be home with her! 

Ok. Pity party over. 

Addison really is just becoming so fun, and we just love watching her become a little person with lots of personality :)

At 7 months she: 
* is getting into the crawling stance and rocking back and forth, but not quite crawling yet 
* doesn't have any teeth
* is in 9-12 months clothing...footie pajamas are just about at 12 months 
* is starting to get more hair, but it's very blond so it's hard to see! 
* now likes squash :) and all solids she has tried 
* makes lots of squawking noises
* loves to blow raspberries :P
* loves to stand up while someone holds her hands
* loves to look at the phone and facetime with family
* sleeps 11 hours straight
* still loves bath time...she knows when bath time is coming too! She gets very excited!
* loves looking at the kitties and likes to "pet" them

I think I could write a book ;) but I'll spare you!

I checked in on her the other night before I went to bed and couldn't stop thinking about how much I love her. There is no other feeling or love like a parent has for their child!

Onto the cute pictures...I didn't catch any smiles this time :/ she had just woken up from a nap...but such is life with with a baby!