Sunday, August 25, 2013

16 weeks!

It was a busy weekend here! My dad and step mom came to visit. We visited a few museums and enjoyed each others company.

I found out, not this week, but last week, that our Down Syndrome blood work was all within normal limits. Phew!

We had a doctors appointment this past Friday. Dad and Cindy were about to come and they heard the heart beat too! It was about 160 beats per minute. I just think it's the coolest thing to hear the heartbeat, and it's reassuring too! We had some more blood work done to scan for other complications like spina bifida. The doctor said that no news is good news, so I hope not to get a phone call!

We also set our appointment for our 20 weeks ultrasound! We get to see (hopefully) if the baby is a boy or a girl on September 20th! We can't wait!

Onto the bump!

                           Here's this weeks photo!                                                 ...and last weeks...

I think I'm looking a little more rounded and not so much pudgy! I'll take it! The doctor also measured my bump and said I was right on track with the size!

I'm heading back to work tomorrow...hopefully I'll have the energy to keep going all day!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

15 weeks!

15 weeks...that feels a lot closer to 20 weeks....which is when we find out what we are having!!! I can't wait!

We have some more blood tests this Friday, but I'm hoping to hear the heart beat during our visit. It was super cool to hear it the last time! My dad and stepmom will be in town, so I'm hoping they will be able to hear it too.

The visit with my mom was wonderful and too short! We had a blast together! I wish we lived closer especially since this is her first grand baby!

On another note...I feel like I'm gaining too much weight too fast. My guess is that I've probably gain 3-5 pounds more than I should have at this point. I keep telling myself that prepregnancy I always gained weight in the summer. So, I'm hoping going to back to work and keeping busy will slow down the weight gain a little bit.

Speaking to the above, I think this is why my belly is probably looking a little bigger than it should right now...but oh well. I'm not going to fret over it too much. I have two photos this week...I changed it up a little.

Before you look....don't judge that I put the wrong fruit comparison on should be an orange....we already did the peach...seriously! Baby brain is getting the best of me!

Which one do you like better?

The usual way...or...

Wow! Does it look big! 

On another note...I wish regular jeans were like maternity jeans....soooo comfortable!! 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

2nd Trimester!

We've made it to the safe zone!! 14 weeks!! 2nd Trimester!!! Woooo!!

My mom is here for the week, and I couldn't be happier about it! We are going to start cleaning out what will be the baby's room and go shopping for some maternity clothes.

I probably could have made it a few more weeks in regular clothes, but I haven't been eating that great so things are a little more snug. I'm going to push myself for the next 2 weeks to eat better before I go see the doc again.

Anyway, here's this weeks photo! And for funzies...I'll do a comparison.

I took this weeks photo right after this might be a bit exaggerated...

I don't look quite as fat....

A special thanks goes to my mom who took this weeks picture! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

13 Weeks!

Since our ultra sound on Friday, our pregnancy is feeling more real! I can't wait for week 20 when we get to find out the gender!!

I'm making more and more phone calls to tell the family. As soon as I get a chance to tell my boss, we will probably go public!

I've been doing some browsing for our registry and I've found some cool things. One was the baby brezza which helps cook and puree homemade baby food. The other was a baby monitor that works through movement. If the baby doesn't more for more than 20 seconds, the alarm goes off. I think both of those items will be on our list!

Anyway, here is this weeks photo!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Down Syndrome Ultra Sound

The ultra sound went great! They said the baby looks great and is right on target! We are just waiting on the blood tests to come back. I couldn't bring myself to prick myself...

I'm just super excited that the baby is growing and well! We even got to hear the heart beat today :)

Here he or she is...!

I had no idea that we were going to get treated to seeing our baby in 3D! It was sooo cool! He/she wasn't cooperating to capture its little face though...little babe was hiding behind its arm. 

It was still super cool to see the little heart beating and little babe squirming around! Although at one point he/she wasn't cooperating. I had to lay on my side for a bit get him to move! Luckily we got things all worked out :) 

I can't wait for our next ultra sound at 20 weeks! We'll find out if we are having a boy or a girl! The hubs and I both are leaning towards a boy...but we will take healthy!