Monday, August 17, 2015

18 Months

I guess I accidentally skipped the 15 months update! Onto a year and a half!

I have probably said this every time, but time just flies by so fast! Yet, I can hardly remember life before Addison! She's just such a blessing to our lives :)

Our girl is quite busy these days! At 18 months she:
* Loves to play outside
* Loves to be at the pool
* Is getting a little more picky with food and will throw her food on the floor in protest
* Has 12 teeth and working on 2 more
* Is about 24 pounds
* Loves being tickled
* Likes to run everywhere and gives her mother a heart attack
* Knows about 5-10 words (mama, dada, hi, up, ball, shoe, more, help)
* Loves reading books
* Will find the remote in any room and do her best to take it
* Loves to brush her teeth...or I should say eat the toothpaste
* Has moved into a toddler bed
* Likes to follow big kids around
* Is a major daddy's girl!
* Wears 2T clothes and about to move into 3T
* Wears a size 5/6 shoe
* Takes one 2 hour nap
* Sleeps from 8pm-7am (ish)

She keeps us on our toes, but we wouldn't have life any other way!

Monday, February 16, 2015

12 months!


How did that happen so fast?!

I'm a little late on this update. We had family in town to celebrate Addison's birthday. We had a blast with Aunt Amy, cousin Colton, Opa, Nanny, and Nanny Rose. We are super blessed that they made the trip down here to celebrate!

At 12 months Addison is...
* Walking with assistance
* Clearly saying "Mama" and "Dada" and knows what they mean
* Eating pretty much anything offered...but still LOVES fruit
* Plays peek-a-boo
* Getting into EVERYTHING!
* Very curious about new things
* Plays with other kiddos
* Napping twice a day...sometimes one
* Drinking out of sippy cups
* 20 lbs 8 ounces
* 30 and 3/4 inches
* One happy girl!

We couldn't have been more blessed with the first year with our girl! We can't wait to see what this next year has to hold!

Monday, January 12, 2015

11 months!

She's almost one!


Brian and I were talking the other day and said that we're going to blink and she'll be 18!

It's hard to believe how much a little baby can change in 11 months! I remember thinking, when she was really little, I can't wait for her to get bigger! And now I wish she would be really little again!

Lesson learned- enjoy every moment.

At 11 months Addison...
* is feeding herself most meals
* is drinking less and less formula...getting ready for milk!
* LOVES fruit
* is starting to like veggies less
* knows when she isn't supposed to get into something (getting onto the fireplace)
* says "mama" "dada" "baba"
* can wave
* can clap (has been for a while)
* can stand on her own for a second or two (just started this!)
* has lots of personality!
* is starting to throw tantrums
* sleeps from about 7:30pm- 6:30am
* takes 2 naps
* hardly sits still

We just love our little peanut!