Monday, August 17, 2015

18 Months

I guess I accidentally skipped the 15 months update! Onto a year and a half!

I have probably said this every time, but time just flies by so fast! Yet, I can hardly remember life before Addison! She's just such a blessing to our lives :)

Our girl is quite busy these days! At 18 months she:
* Loves to play outside
* Loves to be at the pool
* Is getting a little more picky with food and will throw her food on the floor in protest
* Has 12 teeth and working on 2 more
* Is about 24 pounds
* Loves being tickled
* Likes to run everywhere and gives her mother a heart attack
* Knows about 5-10 words (mama, dada, hi, up, ball, shoe, more, help)
* Loves reading books
* Will find the remote in any room and do her best to take it
* Loves to brush her teeth...or I should say eat the toothpaste
* Has moved into a toddler bed
* Likes to follow big kids around
* Is a major daddy's girl!
* Wears 2T clothes and about to move into 3T
* Wears a size 5/6 shoe
* Takes one 2 hour nap
* Sleeps from 8pm-7am (ish)

She keeps us on our toes, but we wouldn't have life any other way!