Saturday, December 13, 2014

10 months!

We are in double digits now :(

She's getting to be such a big little person!

We all can't wait for Addison's first Christmas! She's already trying to open the presents :) She loves paper!

At 10 months she:
* Still loves all food!
* Is starting to eat off mommy's plate too!
* Crawls very fast
* Is "cruising"
* Babbles some "ma" "da" "ba" but doesn't have any meaning just yet...
* Loves chasing the kitties
* Still loves her bath time
* Likes to turn the pages in books when we read to her
* Knows what "no" means
* Is testing boundaries
* Can still wear 12 month clothes, but is about to move into 18 months

We just can't get enough of our girl!

Her mama is really looking forward to have 2 weeks off with her!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

9 months!

Tonight, I told Addison that 9 months ago she had just spent 9 months in my belly! 

I don't think I'll ever forget the first time I saw her sweet little face! 

At 9 months she's doing some crazy things! She...
* Is pulling up and standing!
* Is slowly "cruising" around on things
* Is getting her first 2 bottom teeth (they just barely broke through the gums...but they are almost there!)
* Is getting into anything and everything- especially pulling down all the movies!
* Loves seeing her Dada when he gets home...but pretends to be shy when he smiles at her :)
* Loves eating her puffs! 
* Loves Mama's phone & Face Timing family 
* Is almost grown out of 12 months clothes......she's growing like a weed! 
* Loves the kitties...and pulling their hair 

I'm sure I'm missing a billion things, but those are the highlights! 

The 2nd picture down was actually the 1st picture I took, but it was too dark. I tried it again later, but she was already in her pajamas...oh well! It was tough trying to get a smile, even though she smiles all the time. 9 month old babies are distracted easily ;)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

8 months!

Only 4 more months until she's 1! 

We've been pretty busy lately! Addison and I took our first road trip to my sisters' baby shower. She did great in the car! We also went to the pumpkin patch for the first time! Lots of firsts! 

Addison is also getting so big and changing every day! 

At 8 months Addison is...
* Almost 20 pounds
* Wearing 12 months clothes
* Sits up by herself very well
* Can move from a sitting position into crawling
* Still doesn't have any teeth
* Eating lots of different things, including chicken! 
* Still loving bath time! 
* Keeping mommy and daddy on their toes!

I'm sure there are lots of things I could include in the list, but those are the highlights. 

Onto the cute pictures :)

Friday, September 12, 2014

7 months!

Time really is flying now that I'm back at work.

Being a working mom really is the hardest thing in the world! All day I just long to be home with her! 

Ok. Pity party over. 

Addison really is just becoming so fun, and we just love watching her become a little person with lots of personality :)

At 7 months she: 
* is getting into the crawling stance and rocking back and forth, but not quite crawling yet 
* doesn't have any teeth
* is in 9-12 months clothing...footie pajamas are just about at 12 months 
* is starting to get more hair, but it's very blond so it's hard to see! 
* now likes squash :) and all solids she has tried 
* makes lots of squawking noises
* loves to blow raspberries :P
* loves to stand up while someone holds her hands
* loves to look at the phone and facetime with family
* sleeps 11 hours straight
* still loves bath time...she knows when bath time is coming too! She gets very excited!
* loves looking at the kitties and likes to "pet" them

I think I could write a book ;) but I'll spare you!

I checked in on her the other night before I went to bed and couldn't stop thinking about how much I love her. There is no other feeling or love like a parent has for their child!

Onto the cute pictures...I didn't catch any smiles this time :/ she had just woken up from a nap...but such is life with with a baby!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

6 months!

It's her half birthday! Ahh!

How did time fly by so fast???

I was talking to Brian last night about Addison turning 6 months. It seems so crazy that just 6 months ago she was a little peanut in the hospital! How is it that they get so big so fast?!

I think I'll be saying that for the next 18 years...

At 6 months she is...
* able to flip from her tummy and her back
* starting to get the crawling motion with her legs...still hasn't figured out the arms
* is starting to figure out sitting up, but is still wobbly
* has started solids...she likes avocado, sweet potato, pears, banana, green beans...but not squash
* is interested in the kitties and likes to "pet" them
* makes lots of funny and cute noises...raspberries, huff and puffing, oinking
* stands up and bops up and down if mommy or daddy holds her hands
* starting to grow some peach fuzz on her head (we think it's going to be blond)
* very interested in everything and likes to put it all in her mouth!
* knows when bath time is coming and squeals in excitement
* falls asleep on her own at night and sleeps 10-12 hours straight (yey!)

I'm sure there is lots more I'm missing, but there are the highlights I can think of now!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

5 months!

Every month that passes by I can't believe it! 

Addison is getting more and more personality each day! 

At 5 months she is...
* still trying to figure out how to roll from her belly to her back...and gets quite frustrated! 
* has tried rice cereal and avocado, but wasn't too thrilled with either
* is finding her voice
* loves her giraffe Gigi bought her
* is drooling up a storm! 
* likes to be busy and lets us know when she is bored! 
* doesn't really like the swing anymore...unless she's pretty drowsy 
* is in 6-9 months clothes....closer to 9 months clothes
* sleeping well...slept 12 hours one night! 
* is starting to bring up her knees...maybe getting the motion of crawling??

Our girl is getting big so fast! But we just love her to pieces :) 

A special thanks to my Pop Pop for the cute outfit! 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

4 months

Each month I'm still shocked how big she gets so fast!

I'm off from work for the summer and really looking forward to the extra time with Addison :) 

Brian usually works 4 day weeks and I'm sure we'll have some fun on his 3 day weekends! 

At 4 months Addison...
* is starting the rolling over process but not quite there
* is able to grasp big objects with her hands
* is able to grasp her feet
* is sleeping in her crib 
* almost growing out of 6 months clothes
* almost over sleeping in the miracle blanket (she's escaping!)
* is drooling quite a bit (teething maybe?) 
* loves to look at her Daddy (Happy Father's Day!)
* loves to smile at people she meets 
* likes to use her binky more 
* loves to go on walks with Mommy 
* wants to be entertained most of the time

I wonder what she'll be doing in another month! She changes so much each month! 

Happy summer to all!

Friday, May 16, 2014

3 months


I can't believe some days that I'm even a mom...yet alone to a 3 month old!

Addison is becoming really fun, though! She's starting to let her personality shine :)

I have 4 weeks left of work, and I'm really looking forward to spending the summer with little miss!

At 3 months Addison:
* still loves staring at the fan
* is starting to get more control over her hands
* puts her hands in her mouth often!
* is starting to enjoy baths and even splashing a bit
* is in 6-9 month clothes
* makes cute noises when she gets excited
* is sleeping through the night
* will play more on the play mat
* has chunky long legs!
* is getting better about being in her car seat in the car....just as long as the car is moving :)

We just love her to pieces!

Monday, April 21, 2014

2 months

I'm almost 2 weeks late, but better late than never!

I (Jenel) went back to work when Addison turned 8 weeks :( Everyone is adjusting now.

Our little lady is changing every day!

* is more interactive
* is giving social smiles :)
* likes to stare at ceiling fans
* likes to look a the Van Gogh print in the living room
* loves to stare at light or flashing light
* is now 24 inches and about 12 pounds
* is now wearing 6 months footie pajamas

We just love her to pieces!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

One month

It's hard to believe it has been a month already since our little lady entered this world!

Brian is still working like a mad man, but he is still enjoying his time with his mini-me when he comes home :)

I'm already worried about going back to work and I still have 4 weeks left on maternity leave. We are all adjusting and getting better at life with a baby.

Addison is...
Already good at holding her head up
In 0-3 months clothes because she's so long
Has a hard time keeping socks on because her feet are long too
Loves to fall asleep in her daddy's arms
Is becoming more alert during the day

Friday, February 28, 2014

2 weeks old!

Our sweet little lady turned 2 weeks old on Wednesday!


* She's outgrown some of her newborn clothes because of her long arms and legs.
* Her umbilical cord fell off a few days ago
* Monday she weighed 8lbs 7oz at the doctors
* We had our first real bath on Wednesday!

So much growing already in 2 weeks!

Just a few of my favs so far! There are too many cute pictures to choose from!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

38 & 39 Weeks

One week to go!!!!

I saw the doctor on Friday and I was 1 and 1/2 cm dilated. We scheduled my induction date for 2/12 if she doesn't come before then....we shall see!

We feel pretty much ready in the sense that the house, etc. is prepared. I'm not so sure we are "ready" in our minds for what is to come!

I've picked up a nice cold this weekend and hope to shake it before I go into labor. Prayers please! I don't think I would be a happy camper with a stuffed up head and being in labor.

It'll be any day now!

I was trying to push her didn't work...

Hopefully my next post will be about holding our precious girl :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

36 & 37 Weeks

We are full term!

I had a wonderful baby shower at work this week. My co-workers are great! We got a lot of adorable clothes and a bunch of gift cards. We were able to get a few last needed things with the gift cards we received and are very grateful!

We did get to do our maternity pictures last Sunday and they turned out beautiful! Our 36 week picture is from that photo shoot.

Other than that, we are just playing the waiting game now! We are ready to meet our little Miss Addison!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

35 Weeks

I'm a week late in writing this.

My excuse is complete exhaustion!

We were supposed to have our maternity pictures done last week, which is why I didn't really do a "real" photo for 35 weeks. Another excuse, I know. We are one again today, and the sun is shining! I'm pretty confident we will have beautiful pictures this week :)

My best friend had her baby on Friday! I'm so excited for her and her husband! We got to meet their darling little girl last night. She is beautiful!

Now I can't wait to have my darling little girl!

We've met our pediatrician. So that's one more thing off the list! There are few things left to do. One major thing is to install the car seat base. I think we will try to do that today because Brian is going to be working on the weekends again starting next weekend. Well, until Addison arrives.

We are also nervous about that because he's working 2 hours away. However, our doctor doesn't seem to concerned yet. Nothing seems to be changing in likes of the baby coming. I guess we'll get a little more concerned once things start to change.

Here's the picture I took on Monday of my 35 week belly!