Saturday, July 12, 2014

5 months!

Every month that passes by I can't believe it! 

Addison is getting more and more personality each day! 

At 5 months she is...
* still trying to figure out how to roll from her belly to her back...and gets quite frustrated! 
* has tried rice cereal and avocado, but wasn't too thrilled with either
* is finding her voice
* loves her giraffe Gigi bought her
* is drooling up a storm! 
* likes to be busy and lets us know when she is bored! 
* doesn't really like the swing anymore...unless she's pretty drowsy 
* is in 6-9 months clothes....closer to 9 months clothes
* sleeping well...slept 12 hours one night! 
* is starting to bring up her knees...maybe getting the motion of crawling??

Our girl is getting big so fast! But we just love her to pieces :) 

A special thanks to my Pop Pop for the cute outfit!