Friday, May 16, 2014

3 months


I can't believe some days that I'm even a mom...yet alone to a 3 month old!

Addison is becoming really fun, though! She's starting to let her personality shine :)

I have 4 weeks left of work, and I'm really looking forward to spending the summer with little miss!

At 3 months Addison:
* still loves staring at the fan
* is starting to get more control over her hands
* puts her hands in her mouth often!
* is starting to enjoy baths and even splashing a bit
* is in 6-9 month clothes
* makes cute noises when she gets excited
* is sleeping through the night
* will play more on the play mat
* has chunky long legs!
* is getting better about being in her car seat in the car....just as long as the car is moving :)

We just love her to pieces!