Tuesday, August 12, 2014

6 months!

It's her half birthday! Ahh!

How did time fly by so fast???

I was talking to Brian last night about Addison turning 6 months. It seems so crazy that just 6 months ago she was a little peanut in the hospital! How is it that they get so big so fast?!

I think I'll be saying that for the next 18 years...

At 6 months she is...
* able to flip from her tummy and her back
* starting to get the crawling motion with her legs...still hasn't figured out the arms
* is starting to figure out sitting up, but is still wobbly
* has started solids...she likes avocado, sweet potato, pears, banana, green beans...but not squash
* is interested in the kitties and likes to "pet" them
* makes lots of funny and cute noises...raspberries, huff and puffing, oinking
* stands up and bops up and down if mommy or daddy holds her hands
* starting to grow some peach fuzz on her head (we think it's going to be blond)
* very interested in everything and likes to put it all in her mouth!
* knows when bath time is coming and squeals in excitement
* falls asleep on her own at night and sleeps 10-12 hours straight (yey!)

I'm sure there is lots more I'm missing, but there are the highlights I can think of now!

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